Operation: Social Justice

Social justice: the fight for equity in rights and opportunities. When did justice become something to malign and mock? Here at GamerCrafting Yarns, we think it’s important to fight for what’s right. It’s important to be kind, and it’s important to drown hate with love. 

Several other small businesses have requested that our initial plan to have yarns named things like “Nevertheless They Persisted” and “Trans Rights are Human Rights” be a collaborative effort that anyone can take part in, so long as they agree to raise money for a charity that supports equal rights. GamerCrafting Yarns will be raising money for a variety of charities. 

A huge thank you to everyone who participated, either by donating for a raffle, or selling items, or purchasing! Business and rafflers: please fill out the form below before April 8, 2020 for a total amount raised tally. 

You can now get Operation: Social Justice gear, with 44 available things (shirts, hoodies, mugs etc) designed by Sarah. We won’t keep ANY of the money earned from this, it will all be donated to the Albert Kennedy Trust charity for homeless LGBTQ+ kids. Click here!